ACC - Water Disasters

May 1, 2024
Product Design + Dataviz
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‘About Climate Crisis’ project was created with the purpose of embracing learning through an everyday object, it aims to educate and raise awareness about the critical the climate change through data visualizations, illustrations, and infographics on a t-shirt and a web page with excerpts, tips, facts and quotes from activists, politicians, writers, reporters, and other people fighting for climate justice.

“We already know that the environment is suffering from dramatic changes and that the cause is the system we are immersed in. Yet, little we know about the people who are fighting in the front-line, the actions we can take to fight along with them or the exact facts and scenarios expected. There is no time for a pause.”

01 | T-shirt

The front side contains the QR code that will open the website (explained in the next point).

On the back side, you’ll find and learn through illustrations, text and graphs a few facts on water disasters. There is a close relationship between climate change and water disasters, as it influences directly on the Earth's hydrological cycle. Rising temperatures make water evaporate faster, changing the natural precipitation patterns and contributing to extreme rainfall events or, on the opposite, drought conditions. Nevertheless, in this project, we'll focus on how climate change contributes to rising sea levels, increased flooding, and the damage caused by tropical cyclones.

The combination of intense rainfall, melting glaciers, and rising sea levels can lead to a higher risk of flooding in coastal areas and river basins. But not only that, apart from affecting us, rising temperatures affect other species, such as shellfish, corals, marine fish, and mammals, their entire ecosystem, and their ecological relationships.

100% of the money raised was donated to the Coral Reef Alliance. Find more about it, here.

02 | Website

Go to

The website will be opened after reading the QR code on the T-shirt. The page displays short paragraphs with information (facts, pieces of advice, and quotes from scientists, journalists, and climate activists), gives you access to its sources for you to learn more about them and understand in detail what changes need to be done to address the crisis correctly.

03 | Gallery