Guarding Nature
Sadly, this dataviz never saw the light of day, but since I put so much love and effort into it, I still wanted to share it. A friend of mine, Magda Mosi, was working at a design studio focused on speculative projects. At the time, they wanted to publish a magazine featuring speculative works around the theme of 'Rights of Nature.'
As someone who loves working with data, I started wondering how countries protect their land for nature—a topic I’d already explored in a past project. What I didn’t fully grasp, though, was the extent to which organizations, communities, and even individuals have taken legal action against governments or companies to demand environmental protection. How far have we come in recognizing nature as more than just a resource to exploit, but as something with intrinsic value that deserves protection?
What if we could predict how these cases will evolve? Where will this take us?
From the inclusion of environmental rights in some constitutions to the groundbreaking idea of granting legal personhood to rivers and forests, our understanding of nature’s role in our lives has dramatically shifted. Hopefully, this momentum will keep growing, and those who defend the environment will come out on top.
What once seemed like a radical idea is now becoming an essential part of ensuring the planet’s future. There’s still much work to be done, but let’s stay positive 😌